Nexus University's Online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Clinical Nurse Leader programa está diseñado para preparar a las enfermeras para asumir funciones de liderazgo dentro de una de las dos especializaciones: informática sanitaria y Liderazgo Ejecutivo. A través de una combinación de fundamentos teóricos, la práctica basada en la evidencia y las experiencias clínicas, el programa de MSN en línea desarrolla líderes de enfermería bien preparados.

Este programa de máster se centra en combinar las complejidades del liderazgo en enfermería, la promoción de la salud, la economía sanitaria, la epidemiología, la investigación y la comunicación. Los graduados saldrán totalmente preparados para convertirse en líderes de enfermería clínica o para la transición a un puesto de liderazgo de mayor nivel. También podrán presentarse al examen de certificación de líder de enfermería clínica.


Competencias pertinentes que pueden aplicarse inmediatamente a tu carrera.

Profesorado altamente cualificado con experiencia profesional relevante.

Clases teóricas en línea que le permiten estudiar a su propio ritmo.

Una educación cuyo precio gira en torno a las necesidades de nuestra población estudiantil.

Flexibilidad que le permite mantener un equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal.

Clases reducidas para una comunicación personalizada con el profesorado.

¿Qué aprenderá en este programa?

El programa de MSN de la Universidad Nexus se basa en su educación de licenciatura para preparar a las enfermeras con conocimientos avanzados dentro de una de las dos especializaciones: Enfermera Líder en Informática Sanitaria y Enfermera Líder Ejecutiva. Además de desarrollar un dominio más profundo de su especialidad elegida, los estudiantes de MSN aprenderán habilidades para prepararlos para roles de liderazgo en el campo de la salud.

¿Por qué elegir Nexus para tu MSN?

  • Preparamos a los MSN para convertirse en líderes de enfermería clínica
  • Tenemos amplia experiencia en educación superior en línea.
  • Una educación superior más accesible que nunca.
  • Nuestros programas de enfermería se basan en los títulos obtenidos anteriormente.
  • Se aprenden importantes habilidades de comunicación, pensamiento crítico y liderazgo.
  • No hay lista de espera. Se aceptan todos los solicitantes cualificados.

¿Qué es un líder de enfermería clínica?

Un líder de enfermería clínica (Clinical Nurse Leader, CNL) es un enfermero titulado que posee un máster en ciencias de enfermería (MSN) o un título similar y ha obtenido la certificación CNL a través de la Asociación Americana de Facultades de Enfermería (AACN).4

Esta formación prepara a los enfermeros para asumir tareas como la coordinación de los cuidados al paciente, la medición de los resultados de los pacientes, las transiciones asistenciales, la evaluación de riesgos, la mejora de la calidad y la aplicación de las mejores prácticas basadas en pruebas.

El programa MSN de Nexus University prepara plenamente a los estudiantes para convertirse en CNL gracias a la calidad de nuestro plan de estudios, a un profesorado altamente cualificado y a una formación especializada en gestión.3

Resultados del programa

  1. Participar en actividades culturalmente sensibles centradas en el paciente y basadas en la evidencia para la práctica avanzada de enfermería basada en la ciencia fundamental y avanzada de enfermería, la evidencia actual, la aplicación de la investigación y otros conocimientos de otras disciplinas. (Fundamentos I y IV)
  2. Difundir el conocimiento de los principios de liderazgo en la práctica y la educación para efectuar cambios, mejorar la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria, la seguridad y los resultados de los pacientes. (Esenciales II y III)
  3. Utilizar los sistemas de información sanitaria y los recursos tecnológicos para apoyar el aprendizaje permanente, garantizar entornos de práctica seguros, aplicar iniciativas de mejora de la calidad, optimizar los resultados de la atención sanitaria y promover la autogestión del paciente. (Esenciales V)
  4. Aplicar estrategias eficaces en los procesos políticos y normativos para lograr cambios en la asistencia sanitaria, mejorar el sistema de prestación de asistencia sanitaria, la salud del público y la profesión de enfermería. (Fundamentos II, VI y VIII)
  5. Aplicar los conocimientos para mejorar la comunicación y la colaboración con el fin de optimizar los resultados de salud del paciente y de la población. (Esenciales VII y VIII)
  6. Utilizar métodos analíticos y la ciencia de la traducción para generar evidencias para la práctica enfermera, apoyar la toma de decisiones y promover una práctica enfermera segura y ética. (Esenciales IV y IX)





Aunque se trata de una función relativamente nueva, la de líder de enfermería clínica es un puesto avanzado que se centra en una serie de tareas diarias: dirigir al personal de enfermería, coordinar los cuidados, evaluar la atención al paciente y mejorar los resultados y, por supuesto, prestar cuidados. Las opciones profesionales también incluyen la docencia, la consultoría y los puestos administrativos.

La demanda de enfermeras de todos los niveles sigue creciendo, especialmente la de enfermeras tituladas. Esta demanda ha creado unas perspectivas saludables para los titulares de un MSN. Actualmente, el salario medio de un líder de enfermería clínica puede oscilar entre 81.000 y más de 100.000 dólares anuales1.


Nexus Universidad de Maestría en Ciencias en Enfermería (MSN) Clinical Nurse Leader programa ofrece a las enfermeras la oportunidad de pasar a funciones avanzadas que pueden incluir:


  • Dirigir equipos de enfermería
  • Formación de nuevos enfermeros
  • Participar en la investigación


Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales de EE. UU., la enfermera titulada media gana menos de 72.000 dólares al año, mientras que las enfermeras tituladas de práctica avanzada ganan casi 114.000 dólares de media.1 Los programas de MSN en línea también permiten a los graduados: 

    • Califíquese para puestos de mayor nivel, como puestos de dirección, de enseñanza universitaria y otros.
    • Emprender carreras como enfermeros profesionales o enfermeros de práctica avanzada.
    • Matricularse en un programa de doctorado en enfermería.
    • Asumir más responsabilidades, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la gran demanda y la escasez de médicos.2

Requisitos de crédito

Un estudiante necesita completar al menos 36 créditos semestrales de posgrado, incluidas 400 horas de experiencia, para cumplir los requisitos para obtener el título.

El proceso de admisión

Aplicar a un programa de grado en la Escuela Universitaria Nexus de Ciencias de la Salud y Enfermería es rápido y fácil. Las solicitudes se revisan dentro de 48 horas y se aceptan todos los solicitantes calificados.

Nuestro programa de Maestría en Ciencias en Enfermería requiere una Licenciatura en Ciencias en Enfermería de una institución acreditada con al menos un promedio de calificaciones acumulativo de 2.0 (GPA). Para más detalles sobre nuestros requisitos generales de admisión, visita nuestra página de Admisiones. Si estás listo para dar el primer paso, puedes hacerlo:

Plan de estudios

Descripción de los cursos


Cursos básicos de MSN

NUR 511 Fundamentos teóricos para enfermería avanzada
This course integrates theories from nursing and related disciplines to provide a foundation for transition to the advanced nursing practice role. Major concepts include: applying theoretical concepts to support research and advanced practice; quality indicators related to advanced practice; education and regulation of nursing practice; community health development; primary care and determinates of health and cultural norms on the health practices of patients and groups. Pre-requisites: Acceptance into the MSN program

NUR 512 Promoción de la Salud y Epidemiología
This course provides the student with information related to the concepts of health and health promotion, models of health promotion, and health education. It also focuses on utilizing the principles of epidemiology and the theoretical underpinnings of health behaviors and promotion strategies to promote optimal health. Students will recognize and use concepts, epidemiology tools, and understand epidemiology terminology techniques in epidemiology to examine and understand measures of risk and be able to interpret and critique epidemiological reports for promoting health and wellness. Pre-requisites: Acceptance into the MSN program

NUR 513 Evaluación física y de salud avanzada
This course provides an opportunity for the student to develop advanced psychological assessment, developmental assessment, cultural assessment, and physical assessment skills. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of pertinent assessment data across the lifespan. Students will apply advanced health assessment principles and skills to provide a comprehensive physical examination. Pre-requisites: NUR 511 & NUR 512

NUR 514 Informática sanitaria y comunicación
This course provides the student with concepts in patient information systems including informatics theory, computer science, and cognitive science for design and practice application. Additionally, this course focuses on effective electronic communication as well as general communication and collaboration in the health care setting. Students will be able to describe the evolution of computer technology, discuss the impact of technology in healthcare, and identify the role of the nurse in safeguarding health care data. Pre-requisites: NUR 511 & NUR 512

NUR 521 Fisiopatología avanzada
This course provides the student with knowledge in advanced anatomy, physiology, and the pathophysiology of systems related to health across the lifespan. Students will gain an enhanced understanding of pathophysiological variations in body systems and be able to recognize variations of pathophysiological processes and apply the understanding of advanced pathophysiology in clinical decision making. Pre-requisites: NUR 513 & NUR 514

NUR 522 Economía sanitaria, política y entornos normativos
This course examines the effect of policy, regulatory, and money on health care outcomes. Foundational concepts include the process of policymaking; economic analysis; patient advocacy; healthcare law, regulatory rules and statutes related to practice; systems theory; financing of and payment for healthcare; for-profit vs. non-profit, and tools to aid in decision making. Students will gain an understanding of the complexity of the healthcare environment. Pre-requisites: NUR 513 & NUR 514

NUR 523 Farmacología Avanzada
This course is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge of pharmacology including pharmacogenomics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, and pharmacotherapeutics in the management of disease states. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of pharmacotherapeutic principles, differentiate the pharmacological actions of medications and evaluate drug regimens to recommend optimal and safe drug therapy. Skills to assess and manage a client’s common health issues are emphasized utilizing pharmacotherapies. Pre-requisites: NUR 521 & NUR 522

NUR 524 Comportamiento organizativo en entornos sanitarios
This course examines the behaviors of individuals and small groups in healthcare organizations. Students learn about behaviors, causes of behaviors, and interventions to improve organizational effectiveness. Teams, group dynamics, values, and cultures, management of performance, establishing and maintaining effective relationships and leadership, organizational change, and vision are foci. Students will apply concepts and create an analysis of organizational behaviors and an improvement plan. Pre-requisites: NUR 521 & NUR 522

NUR 531 Práctica basada en la evidencia, investigación y cuidados traslacionales
Students examine the concepts of research and scholarship as a foundation for evidence-based practice (EBP). The course focuses on examination of qualitative and quantitative methods of primary research while considering patient safety, healthcare quality, and process improvement. Students will debate the importance of EBP in improving healthcare and transitioning to an evidence-based approach to care and decision making. Pre-requisites: NUR 523 & NUR 524

NUR 532 Liderazgo para la calidad y la seguridad en la asistencia sanitaria
Students learn concepts essential to the development of the master’s prepared nurse as a clinical leader and manager. Students explore leadership and management theories, the organizational structure, change, systems theory, the leadership role, nursing delivery models, and human resource management. Contemporary issues affecting delivery of care are explored. Students utilize knowledge, skills, and abilities essential for evidence-based decision-making and outcomes management. Pre-requisites: NUR 523 & NUR 524


Especialización Informática sanitaria Líder en enfermería clínica

NUR 535 Aplicación de Gestión para Informática Sanitaria Enfermera Líder I
This course focuses on an intensive study of the advanced nursing role within healthcare informatics. This is the first course in the series of 4 specialized courses with application in the healthcare informatics setting. Students focus on examining the role of the advanced practice nurse within the context of the healthcare informatics nurse leader and within the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students examine ethics and ethical dilemmas, explore the frameworks and standards of care and patient outcomes and use critical thinking to solve problems and improve care within healthcare informatics settings. Students will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Pre-requisites: Core NUR Courses

NUR 545 Aplicación de Gestión para la Informática Sanitaria Enfermera Líder II
This course includes intensive study of the advanced nursing role within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty. This is the second course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialization. Students will focus on examining the scope of practice, evaluating and monitoring quality of nursing practice, and establishing collegial and collaborative relationships within the healthcare team as well as within the context of the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty and the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 535

NUR 546 Aplicación de Gestión para Informática Sanitaria Enfermera Líder III
This course includes a concentrated study of the advanced nursing role within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty. This is the third course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialization. Students focus on advanced practice, pharmacotherapy, and evidenced-based management of complex problems within the context of the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty and within the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students will examine the political, financial, and regulatory issues related to health care and the healthcare information nurse leader specialty, as well as use clinical reasoning to determine therapeutic interventions, solve problems and improve care. Students will have opportunities to continue to gain experience in the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty, to perform selected responsibilities of the role, and to develop competencies as an advanced care provider within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 545

NUR 553 Aplicación de Gestión para Informática Sanitaria Líder de Enfermería IV
This course will focus on the advanced nursing practice role within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialty to synthesize and apply theoretical concepts and evidence-based practice to enhance patient care and improve the quality of healthcare. This is the fourth course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the healthcare informatics nurse leader specialization. Students build upon previous experience to deepen their understanding of the specialization and the role of the healthcare information nurse leader. Students will have opportunities to assume all or most of the healthcare informatics nurse leader role in the clinical setting and should be able to practice independently employing knowledge, skills, and abilities learned in the program. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 546

NUR 598 Capstone Proyecto de Práctica Basada en la Evidencia - Enfermera Líder en Informática de la Salud
As a culminating experience, this capstone course provides the opportunity for the student to synthesize information gained in the master’s program and to demonstrate competencies consistent with program outcomes by developing an evidence-based practice project proposal that addresses a problem, issue, or concern in professional practice as related to the healthcare information nurse leader role. Students identify a problem amenable to research-based intervention; search the literature; propose a solution; and develop a plan to implement the solution, identify the outcome(s) and evaluation process, and disseminate the findings. Problems identified are those that are appropriate to students’ specialization in Healthcare Informatics Nurse Leader. Students will submit an electronic portfolio that contains key examples of work they have generated during their time in the program along with a self-reflection of that work. Prerequisite: NUR 553


Especialización Jefa de enfermería ejecutiva

NUR 533 Aplicación de Gestión para el Líder Ejecutivo de Enfermería I
This course focuses on an intensive study of the advanced nursing role within executive leadership. This is the first course in the series of 4 specialized courses with application in the executive healthcare setting. Students focus on examining the role of the advanced practice nurse within the context of the executive nurse leader and within the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students examine ethics and ethical dilemmas, explore the frameworks and standards of care and patient outcomes and use critical thinking to solve problems and improve care within the executive leadership role. Students will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Pre-requisites: Core NUR Courses

NUR 541 Aplicación de Gestión para el Líder Ejecutivo de Enfermería II
This course includes intensive study of the advanced nursing role within the executive nurse leader specialty. This is the second course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the executive nurse leader specialization. Students will focus on examining the scope of practice, evaluating and monitoring quality of nursing practice, and establishing collegial and collaborative relationships within the health care team as well as within the context of the executive nurse leader specialty and the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 533

NUR 542 Aplicación de Gestión para el Líder Ejecutivo de Enfermería III
This course includes a concentrated study of the advanced nursing role within the executive nurse leader specialty. This is the third course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the executive nurse leader specialization. Students focus on advanced practice, pharmacotherapy, and evidenced-based management of complex problems within the context of the executive nurse leader specialty and within the role of the master’s prepared nurse. Students will examine the political, financial, and regulatory issues related to health care and the executive nurse leader specialty, as well as use clinical reasoning to determine therapeutic interventions, solve problems and improve care. Students will have opportunities to continue to gain experience in the executive nurse leader specialty, to perform selected responsibilities of the role, and to develop competencies as an advanced care provider within the healthcare setting. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 541

NUR 551 Aplicación de Gestión para el Líder Ejecutivo de Enfermería IV
This course will focus on the advanced nursing practice role within the executive nurse leader specialty to synthesize and apply theoretical concepts and evidence-based practice to enhance patient care and improve the quality of healthcare. This is the fourth course in the series of 4 specialized courses within the executive nurse leader specialization. Students build upon previous experience to deepen their understanding of the specialization and the role of the executive nurse leader. Students will have opportunities to assume all or most of the executive nurse leader roles in the clinical setting and should be able to practice independently employing knowledge, skills and abilities learned in the program. 100 hours of clinical immersion experience is required. Prerequisite: NUR 542

NUR 596 Capstone Proyecto de Práctica Basada en la Evidencia - Enfermera Líder Ejecutiva
As a culminating experience, this capstone course provides the opportunity for the student to synthesize information gained in the master’s program and to demonstrate competencies consistent with program outcomes by developing an evidence-based practice project proposal that addresses a problem, issue, or concern in professional practice as related to the executive nurse leader role. Students identify a problem amenable to research-based intervention; search the literature; propose a solution; and develop a plan to implement the solution, identify the outcome(s) and evaluation process, and disseminate the findings. Problems identified are those that are appropriate to students’ specialization in Executive Nurse Leader. Students will submit an electronic portfolio that contains key examples of work they have generated during their time in the program along with a self-reflection of that work. Prerequisite: NUR 551


Comisión de Acreditación para la Educación en Enfermería (ACEN)

El programa de Maestría en Enfermería de la Universidad Nexus ubicada en Miami, Florida está acreditado por la:Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000
La decisión de acreditación más reciente tomada por la Junta de Comisionados de la ACEN para el programa de Maestría en Ciencias en Enfermería es Acreditación Inicial.
Vea la información pública divulgada por la ACEN con respecto a este programa en



3Elexamen de certificación CNL es opcional para los graduados MSN.