El programa de licenciatura en Business Analytics de Nexus University enseña a los estudiantes a liderar los objetivos de big data de su organización a través de la gestión de datos y el análisis estadístico. El uso de software de análisis de datos sofisticados, los estudiantes aprenden a resolver problemas complejos y multidimensionales de negocios, y en el proceso, adquieren los conocimientos, la comprensión, las habilidades y la experiencia práctica necesaria para convertirse en un arquitecto de datos y líder de negocios de alto nivel.

De acuerdo con la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales, la demanda de profesionales con experiencia en la ciencia de datos y análisis crecerá mucho más rápido que el promedio en la próxima década1. Gane su Licenciatura en Ciencias en Analytics en línea en la Universidad Nexus para adquirir las habilidades y conocimientos que necesita para competir en este campo de rápido crecimiento.


Competencias pertinentes que pueden aplicarse inmediatamente a tu carrera.

Profesorado altamente cualificado con experiencia profesional relevante.

Clases teóricas en línea que le permiten estudiar a su propio ritmo.

Una educación cuyo precio gira en torno a las necesidades de nuestra población estudiantil.

Flexibilidad que le permite mantener un equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal.

Clases reducidas para una comunicación personalizada con el profesorado.

¿Qué aprenderás a hacer?

En este programa, los estudiantes aprenden a liderar los objetivos de big data de su organización a través de la gestión de datos y el análisis estadístico. Va a resolver problemas de negocio complejos y multidimensionales utilizando software de análisis de datos sofisticados y graduarse con el conocimiento, la comprensión, las habilidades y la experiencia práctica para convertirse en un arquitecto de datos y líder de alto nivel.

¿Por qué elegir la Universidad Nexus para su grado BSBA?

  • Tenemos una amplia experiencia en educación superior en línea.
  • Una educación superior más accesible que nunca.
  • Le proporcionamos las herramientas necesarias para convertirse en un auténtico líder profesional.
  • Se aprenden importantes habilidades de comunicación, pensamiento crítico y liderazgo.
  • Se aceptan todos los solicitantes cualificados.
  • Transferir hasta 90 créditos de educación general.

Resultados del programa

Al finalizar la Licenciatura en Ciencias en Business Analytics, los estudiantes serán capaces de:

1. Demostrar un sólido conocimiento de los programas informáticos de análisis de datos más conocidos.

2. Crear programas de análisis de datos para encontrar soluciones a los problemas de datos de sus organizaciones.

3. Crear informes de análisis de datos para organizaciones recomendando soluciones a los problemas de datos de sus organizaciones utilizando tecnología avanzada.

4. 4. Comunicar a sus organizaciones las conclusiones de sus análisis de datos.

5. Servir de defensor del diseño del análisis de datos y de la práctica ética dentro de sus organizaciones.

6. Aplicar habilidades interdisciplinarias y analíticas para abordar cuestiones empresariales que se encuentran dentro de un entorno organizativo.





    Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales, se prevé que el empleo de analistas de gestión crezca un 14% de 2018 a 2028, mucho más rápido que el promedio de todas las ocupaciones. Se espera que la demanda de los servicios de estos trabajadores aumente a medida que las organizaciones sigan buscando formas de mejorar la eficiencia y controlar los costes. 

    Los analistas de negocio serán cada vez más valiosos a medida que más empresas incorporen tecnologías digitales que permitan un seguimiento y medición objetivos en toda la empresa. Como analista, su trabajo consistirá en definir un problema, recopilar y analizar los datos correspondientes, evaluar los procesos y procedimientos de la empresa y, en última instancia, recomendar y aplicar estrategias diseñadas para resolver el problema.


    • A partir de mayo de 2019, el salario medio anual para los analistas de gestión fue de $ 85,260.
    • El 10 por ciento más alto del sector ganó más de 154.310 dólares.
    • Se prevé que la demanda de analistas empresariales y de gestión sea especialmente fuerte en los sectores de la sanidad y los seguros médicos.



    En un mundo complejo, impulsado por los datos, los profesionales con las habilidades para organizar y analizar los datos de negocio de una manera significativa son cada vez más valioso por el día. Licenciatura de la Universidad de Nexus en Ciencias en el programa de grado de Negocios Analytics prepara a los estudiantes para carreras como:

    • Analista de investigación de mercados
    • Analista de investigación de operaciones
    • Gestor de datos y análisis
    • Analista financiero y presupuestario
    • Estimador de costes
    • Estadístico
    • Modelador de visualización de datos

    Requisitos de crédito

    Para obtener el título de BSBA, el estudiante debe tener un total de 120 créditos. Esto se desglosa en 60 horas de crédito de división inferior, que incluye 42 horas de crédito de educación general, más 60 horas de crédito de división superior.

    El proceso de admisión

    Aplicar a un programa de grado en la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Nexus es rápido y fácil. Las solicitudes se revisan en 48 horas y todos los solicitantes cualificados son aceptados. Después de revisar su solicitud, su representante de admisión se pondrá en contacto con usted para seguir con el proceso de admisión.


    Si necesita más información, visite nuestra página de Admisión. Si estás listo para dar el primer paso, puedes hacerlo:

    Plan de estudios

    Descripción de los cursos

    BIS 124 Alfabetización informática y en Internet
    This is an introductory course in basic computer and internet use. It covers computer hardware and software fundamentals (including the use of Windows), key productivity applications (including word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation systems), and living in an online world (including network fundamentals, e-mails, and the effective use of the Internet as a communication tool and information resource). Students will develop basic computer skills to aid them with college studies and workforce readiness. Hands-on use of a personal computer is required.

    BUS 214 Introducción a la empresa
    Introduction to business, including business functions and management. Consideration of the free enterprise system forms of business ownership and the role of business in society.

    MAT 111 Álgebra universitaria
    This course contains topics such as solving and graphing linear, absolute value and quadratic inequalities; properties of exponents and logarithms; solving radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic equations; properties and graphs of quadratic, absolute value, square root, cubic, and cube root functions; and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Applications appear throughout the course.

    ENG 112 Composición inglesa I
    This course is designed to introduce students to the writing, reading, and thinking skills necessary for success at the college level.

    STA 121 Estadística
    A first course in statistical methods including such topics as collecting, grouping, and presenting data; measures of central tendency, position, and variation; theoretical distributions; probability; test of hypotheses; estimation of parameters; and regression and correlation. Use of statistical computer software will be required. Prerequisite: MAT 111

    ENG 122 Composición inglesa II
    This course is a writing intensive course designed to improve critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. Students develop strategies for turning their experience, observations, and analyses into evidence suitable for writing in a variety of academic disciplines. Prerequisite: ENG 112

    ACC 223 Contabilidad I
    This course explores the role of accounting in providing financial information about an enterprise to decision-making. Emphasis is placed on understanding financial accounting from a user perspective. Course covers the reporting of financial position including coverage of assets, liabilities, equity accounts, the results of operations and cash flows. Prerequisite: MAT 111

    ART 113 Apreciación del Arte
    Art Appreciation is a course for non-art majors that introduces a chronological history of art including style, form, media, and meaning. This is a writing credit course with international/ intercultural content.

    STA 231 Estadística Empresarial
    This course introduces the techniques used for the visualization of numerical data and descriptive statistics in business. After completion of this course, students will be able to explain how to obtain a suitable sample of business data and evaluate its validity and reliability for statistical inferences, produce tables and charts to organize and display qualitative and quantitative business data, interpret numerical business data using measures of central tendency and dispersion, apply fundamental concepts probability theory for inferential decision making for business, and perform a linear regression for trend analysis. Prerequisites: MAT 111, STA 121

    ACC 332 Contabilidad II
    This course is an introduction to managerial accounting. Topics include various products costing techniques, analysis of cost behavior patterns, budgeting, and the use of accounting information to solve problems. The course is taught from a managerial perspective. Prerequisite: ACC 223

    BIS 133 Introducción a los sistemas de información
    This course introduces students to the general purpose of information systems in organizations and their use of personal productivity software. Students will demonstrate tasks in common application software to include word processing, web browsing, spreadsheet modeling, database management, and presentation graphics.

    PSY 134 Psicología
    This course employs a scientific approach to the basic principles of human behavior, focusing on learning, motivation, perception, feeling emotion, intelligence, personality formation, and social interaction.

    MAT 341 Trigonometría
    This course is specifically designed to prepare student for in depth study of calculus. The topics that will be discussed include the functional approach to trigonometry, trigonometric, equations, trigonometric identities, solving triangles, vectors, polar coordinates and equations, and parametric equations. The instructor may require a graphing calculator. Prerequisite: MAT 111 with a C or better

    CAT 342 Introducción a la programación SAS
    This course introduces students to SAS Programming. The topics that will be covered in this course include but are not limited to (1) referencing files and setting options, (2) creating list reports, (3) understanding data step processing, (4) creating and managing variables, (5) reading and combining SAS data sets, (6) do loops, arrays, and (7) reading raw data from files. Upon the successful completion of this course, the students should be able to (1) create SAS programs to read data from external files, (2) manipulate the data into variables to be used in an analysis, (3) generate basic reports showing the results, (4) be able to understand and explain results from univariate analyses using proc univariate. Prerequisite: STA 121 or STA 231

    FIN 243 Finanzas
    Serves as a foundation course in business finance. Provides a conceptual framework for the financial decision-making process and introduces tools and techniques of finance including financial mathematics, capital budgeting, sources of funds and financial analysis. Topics include acquisition and use of short-term and long-term capital; financial markets, institutions and instruments; financial control; time value of money; cash, operation and long-range budgeting; and cost of capital. Prerequisite: ACC 223

    BIO 144 Biología
    A study of the biological principles that apply to all living systems. The course is a survey of living organisms with an emphasis on the human species and its environment.

    MAT 351 Precálculo
    This course along with MATH 101 are specifically designed to prepare student for in depth study of calculus. Therefore, this course serves as a foundational course for calculus. The topics that will be discussed include sequences, series, mathematical induction, matrices, determinants, and systems of equations. Moreover, the following topics will be covered: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and equations; and polynomial and rational inequalities. Functions and graphs are going to be emphasized. The instructor may require a graphing calculator. Prerequisite: MAT 111 with a C or better

    ECO 352 Microeconomía
    Foundation course devoted to the development and application of basic analytical tools and principles required for an understanding of major economic problems and policy alternatives leading toward solutions. Emphasis is placed on microeconomics analysis. Students will study markets under varying degrees of competition, which include market deficiencies, pollution, distribution of income, and international economics relations. Prerequisite: MAT 111

    SPC 153 Discurso
    This course is designed to provide students with fundamental training and practical experience for speaking in public, business, and professional situations. Topics include: audience analysis, speech anxiety, critical listening, and preparation and delivery of speeches in various cultural contexts. Students will also learn to effectively incorporate audio and visual aids/ technologies for effective speeches.

    DAT 354 Introducción a la programación Phython
    This course introduces students to Python Programming. The topics that are covered include but are not limited to (1) working with variables, (2) repeating actions with loops, (3) using functions to simplify programs, and (4) storing collections of data. At the completion of this course, students should be able to create basic programs in Python. Prerequisite: STA 100 or STA 101

    MAT 361 Cálculo comercial I
    A course treating standard one-variable calculus and its applications for business students, as well as selected other business applications, and an introduction to multivariable calculus. Calculus topics include the derivative, methods of finding derivatives, applications of derivatives, the integral, methods of integration, applications of integration, and the calculus of the exponential and logarithmic functions. Multivariable calculus topics include partial derivatives and finding local extrema. Prerequisite: MAT 351 with a C or better.

    ECO 362 Macroeconomía
    This course emphasis is placed on macroeconomic analysis. Areas covered include national income and employment analysis, money and banking, economic growth, and comparison different economic systems, both within developing and developed world economies. Prerequisite: ECO 352

    HLP 163 Bienestar total
    This course emphasizes the importance of knowledge, attitudes, and practices relating to personal wellness. It is a course designed to expose students to a broad range of issues and information relating to the various aspects of personal wellness including physical, social and environmental wellness. This course integrates personal wellness and fitness in a classroom environment. Evolving current topics such as nutrition, disease prevention, stress reduction, exercise prescription, and environmental responsibility are integrated to enable the student to understand the lifelong effects of healthy lifestyle choices.

    SCI 164 Ciencias de la Tierra
    An integration of the three classic disciplines of the earth sciences, geology, meteorology, and oceanography. Course will focus on the basic principles governing these disciplines, and the effect of each on man. Corequisite: SCIL 164

    MAT 471 Cálculo comercial II
    A course treating multivariable calculus and its applications for business students, as well as selected other business applications. Topics include functions of several variables and their derivatives, partial differentiation, optimization problems and LaGrange multipliers, special methods of integration, differential equations, probability and calculus, Taylor polynomials and infinite series. Prerequisite: MAT 361 with a C or better.

    STA 472 Introducción al software estadístico computacional
    This course is designed to provide students with fundamental training in R programming. At the end of this course, students should be able to perform statistical analysis using R. Prerequisite: STA 121 or STA 231

    PHI 173 Introducción a la lógica
    The principles and evaluation of critical thinking including identification and analysis of fallacious, as well as valid reasoning. Traditional and symbolic logic will be considered, and foundations will be laid for further study in each area. This is a writing credit course.

    ETH 274 Ética empresarial
    The course of business ethics presents several concepts and studies that allow the student to discern which practices are best for the performance of an entire group and organization in a business setting.

    DAT 481 Analítica empresarial avanzada
    In this course students will learn core statistical methods for business with SAS® and approach real business analytics issues and techniques using a practical approach. This course will take students through an overview of statistics, data and data collection, an introduction to SAS®, and basic statistics (descriptive statistics and basic associational statistics). Moreover, this course will provide students with an overview of statistical modeling, effect size, statistical significance and power testing, basics of linear regression, introduction to comparison of means, basics of chi-square tests for categories, extrapolating statistics to business outcomes, and some topical issues in statistics. Prerequisite: DAT 342, MAT 471, STA 121 or STA 231

    MGT 282 Comportamiento organizativo para directivos
    This course prepares students to understand the influence that behavior has on leading and managing organizations. After completion of this course, students will be able to describe the role of a manager within an organization, summarize key concepts and terminology related to organizational behavior, explain the influence of leadership styles on individual performance, examine the roles and interaction of group and team members, describe the relationship between job fit, job satisfaction, and job performance, and the relationship between the human resource function and organizational development.

    This course is designed to introduce students to the basic terminology, theories, research and topics studied by sociologists. More specifically, students will be introduced to the relationship between the individual and society; how social structures, such as organizations, family, the mass media, etc., shape views, perceptions, and behaviors; and to society’s issues and problems.

    ETH 274 Ética empresarial
    The course of business ethics presents several concepts and studies that allow the student to discern which practices are best for the performance of an entire group and organization in a business setting.

    STA 491 Modelos de regresión aplicados
    In this course, students will use the application of regression models using statistical software to solve real world problems. Among the various topics that will be covered include simple linear regression model, multiple regression model, and logistics regression model. Prerequisite: MAT 471, STA 121 or STA 231

    DAT 492 Métodos de investigación empresarial
    This course provides students with a practical perspective on how research can be applied in real business situations. This course has an increased emphasis on the relationship between the scientific and the pragmatic approaches to research, while the key concepts are explored and applied to real-life research throughout the course.

    COM 493 Comunicación empresarial
    Introduces students to the expectations of writing in the workplace and explores the ways in which technology and media help shape professional communication. Students will hone their writing skills and study audience analysis, persuasion strategies, ethics, and working collaboratively. While students will practice communicating using traditional business genres such as memos, employment correspondence, reports, and proposals, they will also develop skills in document design, effective use of graphics, and oral presentation. Assignments topics are based on the students’ major, career goals, and interests.

    PHI 494 Pensamiento crítico y toma de decisiones en la empresa
    This course addresses foundational skills in the analysis, synthesis, prescription, and application of critical thinking and decision making in business environments. Emphasis is placed on thinking critically, creatively, and ethically, and decision-making outcomes.

    STA 401 Análisis y previsión de series temporales
    This course introduces students to the foundations of univariate time series forecasting in a very methodical and structured framework, helping the students understand what time series is about and how to decompose their structure using various rigorous approaches. This course compares exponential smoothing approaches to various other univariate parameterized approaches, making each of them understandable. Prerequisite: DAT 342, DAT 481, MAT 471, STA 121 or STA 231, STA 491

    DAT 402 Minería de datos para empresas
    This course students will learn to approach business problems data-analytically, using the data-mining process to gather good data in the most appropriate way. Moreover, they will learn general concepts for actually extracting knowledge from data. Prerequisite: DAT 342, DAT 481, MAT 471, STA 121 or STA 231

    DAT 403 Análisis y visualización de macrodatos para empresas
    This course introduces students to data visualization using R. The students will learn various visualization libraries included in R to represent data. They will create elegant codes to craft graphics using ggplot2. They will add elements, text, animation, and colors to their plot to make sense of data. By the successful completion of this course, students should be able to use R’s popular packages—such as ggplot2 and more—to create custom, interactive visualization solutions. Prerequisite: MAT 471, STA 121 or STA 231, STA 472

    MKT 404 Marketing
    Understanding and satisfying consumer needs through product planning, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Students identify and analyze marketing problems. Discovery and application of marketing skills are developed by marketing planning assignments, computer simulation, and case analysis.

    1Bureauof Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Management Analysts, en Internet en (consultado el 28 de julio de 2020).

    2Bureauof Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Management Analysts, en Internet en (visitado el 28 de julio de 2020).